>>>A special thank you to Christine and Emily for inviting me and entrusting me to design with Cocoa Daisy products and for believing in me! Another thank you to my fellow designers who have given me such a warm welcome! xo -Suz <<<
Be on the lookout for the sneaks on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and ourmessage boards. Search for the #CocoaDaisySneaks hash tag. ;)
**note: My personal Twitter and Instagram user name is SuzMannecke (no spaces) for those who aren't already following and want to see current Cocoa Daisy designs and sneaks and happenings!
Now back to gift wrapping! After reading Jen Hatmaker's 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess this past January, we decided to simplify things a bit in our home and this included gift giving. As a result, we are following the mantra/philosophy: Want. Need. Wear. Read. with the idea that each family member will receive a gift from each category.
I will be back soon with a post of how I incorporated this mantra/philosophy within the pages of my December Daily album, so be sure to check back later! :)
Ok, off to wrap those gifts and to work on some DD pages! Have a great week leading up to Christmas. And remember:
xo! :)
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