Sunday, December 13, 2009

More sad news...

...just went on Facebook only to find out a classmate of mine from HS, Kim Marie Ranney (pictured above) committed suicide last night. It appears she purposefully asphyxiated herself in the garage with the car running. Her last Facebook post said "no love letters to my friends."
She had been hospitalized and in psychiatric care in the recent past-but evidently the disease beat her brain and her body.
My heart is truly heavy tonight-so much sadness in 24 hours time with the passing of Ian's gifted teacher yesterday and now this news.

Reminding me once again to tell all of those I know how very much I love them and are blessed to have them in my life.
Love, blessings and prayers to all.


  1. Thanks for posting such a great picture of Kim. We were friends when we were little and friendly still in high school. We lost touch with her since HS and I only recently started talking to her on FB. She seemed to be a unique and interesting person. I hope she has found her peace...

  2. You are welcome.

  3. Little Suz. So sorry that the bad news keeps coming. Thankful to have you as a friend. Hoping that you can remember good memories to substain you until you meet these ladies again. Sure you don't need any help?

  4. You are so sweet my dear friend. We are hangin' in there. Looking forward to time with family and then with dear friends like you over New Year's. Be safe and TTYS.


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