Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm Tea'd Off...

...and seriously disappointed and saddened by those individuals that fell for Obama's charasmatic rhetoric and socialistic ideologies and actually voted for him. Mark my for Obama was the BIGGEST mistake Americans have ever made.  I am deeply saddened that my boys and my boy's kids AND their kids will be paying the price for Mr. Obama's actions. At least I knowI can go to sleep at night knowing  that I DID NOT vote for a liberal socialist. I voted for freedom. Liberty. Individuality. Prosperity. Hand ups (not hand outs). Little government. Free enterprise. Capitalism. 

I'm glad that people who are tea'd off can utilize his/her freedom of speech (while we still have it!). The liberal media seems to have no problem voicing theirs while trying to stifle those who think sensibly. Patriotically. Democratically. Shame on the CNN reporter who so rudely interrupted the man she was interviewing and interjected her own personal liberal bias into the mix. She should be fired. Completely unprofessional. Period.

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