Wednesday, August 30, 2006


busy! So much to do with back to school-Cub Scouts and tennis and coordinating schedules...filling out oodles of redundant yet necessary medical and personal information for the BEBZ schools. Packing lunches, ironing shirts for picture day...feeding the dogs...calling teachers to meet with them regarding a challenging curriculum for Ian...calling volunteers to help out with the Scholastic book fair coming up in two or so weeks(I'm co-chairing)...putting my time in at the library shelving and covering and checking in and out books...watching Ben...doing tangram like puzzles and baking with toilets and dusting and mopping floors...doing dishes and laundry and faxing and mailing and oh so much more...exasperation and exhaustion set in and then...

then...I reflect back on a little sliver of time in my day-when Ethan was riding in the car today on the way to pre-K and he said (quite out of the blue),

"Mommy, did you bake cookies when I was in your belly?"
(Where does the boy come up with this stuff?)
" Well, yes Ethan. I did. Why do you ask?"
"I was just wondering...cuz Little Bear's momma baked cookies when he was in her belly!"
...Out of the mouths of babes...
my little blond beauregard!

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