I posted on your Facebook page this morning. This is what I typed:
One year ago already. The time has flown by and the time has stood still. Life keeps moving forward and while I feel you with me, with us, I miss your physical presence here on earth. The world misses it. Misses you.
Crazy (or not so crazy) enough, I had a dream about you this morning. The short version, you were talking to dad after awakening from a long nap. You had an opened plastic Easter egg in your hand and were chatting with him, chewing while you were talking. I realized that what you were eating were Jelly Bellies. You were talking and joking with Dad that these were part of your "protocol" for your treatment for leukemia. Yep. You said "protocol." So typical of you to throw humor into the situation. I miss you. I miss your smile. I miss your laughter. I wish there were do overs in life. I wish I could heal the hurt, heal the loss that is in the hearts of those you left behind.
I can't. But I can pray for strength for all of us. I can pray for a cure for cancer. I can pray for your amazing kiddos; for strength, peace, safety, good health, and happy hearts for them. I can pray that I am a better mother, Christian, wife, spouse, teacher, friend, HUMAN BEING. I can move forward, trying to live my life by your example. For one short person, you sure set the bar exceedingly high! I love you. Always and forever. TNT. Suzer
03.09.1962 - 03.29.2011
Love you. Always and forever. TNT.
~ Suzer