Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Boo's Thanksgiving Feast

So, here are some recent pics from Boo's Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast. Interesting selection of food choices. For turkey....substitute hard salami....for corn...popcorn....for pumpkin pie...raisins...didn't really matter what was on the plate-the little injuns were happy to just celebrate!

Ruth's New Bonnie Bella

Here's the latest, most adorable addition to the C. Family Clan! Ain't her cute? :)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Halloween has come and gone, as has many other big events...none of which I have documented well on this blog. My external hard drive appears to have crashed and we fear many of my priceless photos are gone. We may have to pay a pretty price to retrieve them if at all possible. I had been backing up my pics faithfully until I encountered a problem backing them up incrementally this past spring(?)-so, therein lies where it all began to unravel...boo...hoo.hooo.......(insert a big wail here)...anyhoo...
Here are some recent pics of the BEBZ with Little "Payne Stewart". How cute is that costume?